Banners, Sliders, Animations

(See also: Images, Media, Video, Audio)

Static Banner

The Static Banner is also referred to as a Hero image.

  • The Banner is easily inserted via the Page Editor
  • The Website Name and Slogan are automatically displayed on the banner
Static Banner

Sliding Banners

Inserting Sliding Banners is quick and easy.

  • Full width Sliding Banners are the modern eye-catching showcase
  • You can add up to 5 images in the Sliding Banner
  • You can also apply eye-catching custom labels set on opaque backgrounds, onto the banners
Sliding Banners

Sliding Portfolio

The Sliding Portfolio is used to showcase images.

  • You simply upload your images, apply the images to pre-made fields, and switch on the Sliding Portfolio
  • The Portfolio displays beneath the general page content
Sliding Portfolio

Sliding Thumbnails

Sliding thumbnail images can be used to highlight manufacturer logos, brands, products, special offers, etc.

  • To apply the slider, you add the thumbnail image into the pre-made field
  • With a single click you can apply it to individual pages or all the pages on you website
Sliding Thumbnails

Sliding Text

Text sliders can be used to highlight features such as client reviews, special offers, product info, etc.

  • To apply the slider, you enter your text into the pre-made field
  • With a single click you can apply it to individual pages or all the pages on you website
Sliding Text

Animate on Scroll

AOS enables you to add various animations to elements on a webpage as users scroll through it.

  • Elements become visible and animate into view when they enter the viewport, creating an engaging and dynamic user experience
  • With a single click you can apply AOS to any element/s on the pages
Animations on  Scroll


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